Sunday, January 16, 2005

A good weekend

I'm writting back after a couple days of not doing so. Saturday and Sunday have been of real relax for me. I finally had time for myself. For instance, I spent most of Saturday with my ass sat on a stool surfing the internet, my most delicious vice after sex.

Today Sunday I did pretty much the same, except that I watched a program on TV about an iraqi musician who spoke in french (his music was great). I also watched the movie "When Harry met Sally" on the cable, not too bad. I finished drinking that bottle of Cavernet Sauvignon that was on the fridge.

It's been two days since I don't take a shower and feel no regrets... tomorrow will be another day. I rendered a video I captured last june when we went to Presa Las Virgenes in Rosales Chihuahua. I will post it soon so people can see it.


At 1/16/2005 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Una pregunta...¿porqué escribes en inglés??, digo no hay que ser cerrados en esto de los idiomas pero si eres mexicano y del norte ¿porqué no escribir en tu idioma?? sólo un comment...Saludos

At 1/16/2005 8:49 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Ja!! yo también vi "When Harry met Sally", aunque claro que ya estaba comenzada...pero bueno ya la he visto como cinco veces...típica comedia romántica pero re entretenida...oye si, escribe en spanish...jajaja :)

At 1/17/2005 7:16 AM, Blogger Tamujin said...

Gracias por los comentarios.
La razon por la que escribo en ingles esta publicada en el blog del domingo.
De veras agradesco la visita.

Hasta pronto!


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