Tuesday, December 06, 2005

To Own...

People don’t really own anything. I was watching yesterday on TV an interview to the owner of the Uritorco Mt. in Argentina. As I was watching the program I started to think that the Uritorco Mountain has been there for eaons and now there is this guy who has been on the planet for no more than 50 years claiming that he owns it.

I think that it is the same as if a single bacteria from my guts, whose life span is less than 1 day, boasts that it owns my body! It is ridiculous!

A human being stays alive in the planet for only 75 revolutions of it around the sun in average. During that time we use the resources of the planet to make a living, reproduce and die. We don't really own anything. Everything is there and will be after we die. The remains of ancient cities are still there even though the people who built them are extint, and so if they are not there, then they don't own it.

We don't even own our own body. When we die the molecules that comforms it will transform into something else, and those atoms will be recyclated. A cat doesn't have any belonging. A tree doesn't have any either.
From this point of view, owning is only an illusion of human beings.


At 12/15/2005 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. We don't own a thing. Not even our "own" lives, for they belong to God our Lord.
God owns everything. All.


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